Monday, March 15, 2010

Elephants in the bush

Last weekend I organised a fundraiser, involving a tournament of human foosball (table football), with PVC piping and rope connecting people in several lines that they were not supposed to leave. Five teams turned up and several spectators, so there were over a hundred people there, all of which said they had a really good time. We managed to raise over P3,500 in profits, and everyone said they would be keen to participate if I did it again.

On Friday, Roz and I went out to sample the last of the points for the baseline Low Mixed Woodland habitat types. We started seeing elephants almost as soon as we left camp, and managed to sneak through a breeding herd with only a couple of outraged trumpets. Shortly after we started sampling, we spotted some buffalo on the road in front of us. The vegetation was quite thick, so the only animals that we could see were the ones crossing the road. We were very patient and were rewarded by over a hundred animals walking in front of us, including several very small calves.

I was not sure how wet the area would be, and I know several roads that can be particularly tricky when wet, so I decided to play it safe and avoid those. This made the whole trip significantly longer, and we ran out of water before the end, but we did succeed in sampling all the sites that I needed to reach.

I was planning on going out this week to collect the last samples for the wet season. My car, on the other hand, had different ideas, so I am currently waiting for a new carburetor to be sent up from Johannesburg, which should arrive on Thursday. As soon as it has been fitted, I will have to dash out and complete my wet season sampling, as the rain is definitely starting to thin out.

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